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Gıda endustrisi - Ithalat/Ihracat


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Asetik Asit %50, %80 ve %99 sistematik olarak etanoik asit olarak adlandırılan, kimyasal formülü (CH3COOH) olan asidik, renksiz sıvı, organik bir bileşiktir. Sirke hacimce en az %4 asetik asit içerir, bu da asetik asidi su ve eser elementlerden ayrı olarak sirkenin ana bileşeni yapar Öncelikle fotoğraf filmi için selüloz asetat, ahşap tutkalı için polivinil asetat ve sentetik elyaf ve kumaş üretiminde kullanılan önemli bir kimyasal reaktiftir. Evlerde kireç çözücü maddelerde sıklıkla seyreltilmiş asetik asit kullanılır. Gıda sektöründe asitlik düzenleyici ve çeşni olarak kullanılır. Endüstriler: Ev kimyasalları, Gübreler Özellikler: CAS numarası 64-19-7 BİZ numaramız 200-580-7 Kimyasal formül CH3COOH Molar kütle 60,05 g/mol Gümrük tarife kodu 29152100 ADR UN2789 pH <1 Erime / donma noktası -20°C (1013 hPa) Kaynama noktası aralığı 92°C (1013hPa)

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Explanation: The Fruit and Vegetables drying heat pump: is produced for the manufacturers in the food drying sector but because of its functional structure the type of drying is followed by the carpet cleaning factories. With the use of heat pump technology in the drying sector, it has become one of the drying methods with increasing efficiency. The food desiccant heat pump takes some of its energy from the air as it is in the air source heat pumps, and takes a part of it from the electric energy. The fruit and vegetable desiccant heat pump is placed inside the fully insulated drying chamber and the inside of the drying chamber is 65 ° C, allowing the water to evaporate in the fruit, vegetable or other food products. The evaporator water is carried to the heat pump by means of fans, and the liquid is thrown out by making it liquid. In this way, the drying process is completed.

Fiyat teklifi isteyin


The Fruit and Vegetables drying heat pump: is produced for the manufacturers in the food drying sector but because of its functional structure the type of drying is followed by the carpet cleaning factories. With the use of heat pump technology in the drying sector, it has become one of the drying methods with increasing efficiency. The food desiccant heat pump takes some of its energy from the air as it is in the air source heat pumps, and takes a part of it from the electric energy. The fruit and vegetable desiccant heat pump is placed inside the fully insulated drying chamber and the inside of the drying chamber is 65 ° C, allowing the water to evaporate in the fruit, vegetable, or other food products. The evaporator water is carried to the heat pump by means of fans, and the liquid is thrown out by making it liquid. In this way, the drying process is completed.

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Gıda endustrisi - Ithalat/Ihracat

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